Wednesday 23 February 2011


2D - Two Dimensional
3D - Three Dimensional
ADC - Apparent Diffusion Coefficient
ASL - Arterial Spin Labeling
BFFE - Balanced Fast Field Echo
BSSFP - Balanced Steady State Free Precession
CE-FAST - Contrast Enhanced Fourier Acquired Steady State Technique
CE-FFE _ Contrast Enhanced Fast Field Echo
CE-MRA - Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography
CE-MRI - Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
CMRA - Coronary Magnetic Resonance Angiography
CGE - Coherent Gradient Echo
CISS- Constructive Interference in Steady State
CMR - Cardiac Magentic Resonance
CMRI - CMR Imaging
CMRS - CMR Spectroscopy
CNR - Contrast to Noise Ratio
CSFSE - Continguous Slice Fast Acquisition Spin Echo
DE - Driven Equilibrium
DEFAISE - Dual Echo Fast Acquisition Interleaved Spin Echo
DEFGR - Driven Equilibrium Fast Gradient Recalled acquisition in steady state
DE-MRI - Delayed Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Imaging
DESS - Dual Echo Steady State
DFT - Discrete Fourier Transform
DIET - Dual Interval Echo Train
DSMR - Dobutamine Stress Magnetic Resonance
DTI - Diffusion Tensor Imaging
DWI - Diffusion Weighted Imaging
EPI - Echo Planar Imaging
E-SHORT - Steady state gradient echo with spin echo sampling
FA - Flip Angle
FADE - Fast Acquisition with Dual Echo
FAME - Fast Acquisition Multi-Echo
FASE - Fast Adanced Spin Echo
FAST - Fourier Acquired Steady state Technique
FATE - FAst Turbo Echo
FE - Field Echo
FEDIF - Field Echo DIFference
FEER - Field Even Echo by Reversal
FESUM - Field Echo SUMmation
FFE - Fast Field Echo
FFT - Fast Fourier Transform
FGRE - Fast Gradient Recalled Echo
FID - Free Induction Decay
FIESTA - Fast Imaging Employing STeady state Acquisition
FIS - Free Induction Signal
FISP - Fast Imaging with Steady State Precession
FLAIR - Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery
FLARE - Fast Low Angle Recalled Echo
FLASH - Fast Low Angle SHot
FMPSPGR - Fast Multi-Planar SPoiled Gradient Recalled Echo
FMRI - Fuctional Magentic Resonance Imaging
FOV - Field Of View
FRE - Field Reversal Echo
FS - Fat Suppression
FSE - Fast Spin Echo
FSE-IR - FSE Inversion Recovery
FSPGR - - Fast SPoiled Gradient Recalled Echo
GE - Gradient Echo
GE-EPI - Gradient Echo Planar Imaging
GFE - Gradient Field Echo
GFEC - Gradient Field Echo with Contrast
GRAPPA - GeneRalized Autocalibrating Partially Parallel Acquisition
GRASE - GRadient And Spin Echo
GRASS - GRadient Recalled Acquisition in Steady State
GRE / GRECO / GRECHO - Gradient Recalled Echo
GREC - Gradient Recalled Echo with Contrast
GV-MRA - Great Vessels Magnetic Resonance Angiography
HARDI - High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging
HASTE - Half-Fourier Acquisition with Single Shot Turbo-Spin Echo
HE - Hyper Enhancement
iCMR - Interventional Cardiac Magnetic Resonance
IGE - Incoherent Gradient Echo
IPAT - Integrated Parallel Acquisition Technology
IR - Inversion Recovery
IR-FGE - Inversion Recovery Fast Gradient Echo
IR-FGR - Imversion Recovery Fast Gradient Recalled acquisition in steady state
LGE - Late Gadolinum Enhancement
LTIR - Long Tau Inversion Recovery

MDE - Myocardial Delayed Enhancement
MESS - Multi Echo Single Shot
MIP - Maximum Intensity Projection
MinIP - Minimum Intensity Projection
MMRI - Molecular Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MOTSA - Multiple Overlapping Thin Slab Acquisition
MPR - Multi-Planar Reformation / Reconstruction
MPGR - Multi-Planar Gradient Recalled Echo
MPSPGR - Multi-Planar SPoiled Gradient Recalled Echo
MP-RAGE - Multi-Planar Rapid Acquisition with Gradient Echo / Magnetization Prepared Rapid Gradient Echo
MPVR - Multi-Planar Volume Reconstruction
MR - Magnetic Resonance
MRI - Magnetic Resoance Imaging
MSEPI - Multi-shot Echo Planar Imaging
MSI - Multi-Slice Imaging
MTC - Magnetization Transfer Contrast
MTT - Mean Transit Time
NEX - Number of EXcitations
NMR - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
PA - Partial Averaging
PC - Phase Contrast
PD - Proton Density
PDP - Phase Difference Processing
PDW - Proton Density Weighting
PE - Partial Echo
PET/MRI - Positron Emission Tomography / Magnetic Resonance Imaging
PFI - Partial Flip Imaging
Ph-MRI - Pharmaceutical MRI
PS - Partial Saturation / Pulse Sequence
PSIF - Reversed Fast Imaging with Steady State Precession
PVC-MRI - Phase Velocity Cine MRI
QUEST - QUick Echo Split imaging Technique
RAM-FAST - Rapid Acquisition Matrix Fourier Acquired Steady State
RARE - Rapid Acquisition with Relaxed Enhancement
RF - Radio Frequency
RF-FAST - Radio Frequency Fourier Acquired Steady State
RFOV - Rectangular Field Of View
RISE - Rapid Imaging Spin Echo
ROAST- Resonant Offset Averaging in Steady State
ROI - Region Of Interest
RS - Rapid Scan
RSE - Rapid Spin Echo
SA - Signal Averaging
SE - Spin Echo
SE-EPI - Spin Echo Echo Planar Imaging
SENSE - SENSitivity Encoding Technique
SHORT - Short Repetition Technique
SMASH - SiMultaneous Acquisition of Spatial Harmonics
SNR - Signal to Noise Ratio
SPGR - Spoiled Gradient Recalled Echo
SSFP - Steat State Free Precession
SSFSE - Single Shot Fast Spin Echo
SSTSE - Single Shot Turbo Spin Echo
STAGE - Small Tip Angle Gradient Echo
STAGE-T1W - Small Tip Angle Gradient Echo T1 Weighted
STEP - STimulated Echo Progressive imaging
STERF - Steady state Technique with Refocused Free induction decay
STIR - Short T1 Inversion Recovery
T1 - Longitudinal (Spin-Lattice) Relaxation
T1 FAST - T1 Fourier Acquired Steady State
T1W - T1 Weighted
T2 - Transverse (Spin-Spin) Relaxation
T2W - T2 Weighted
T1-FFE - T1 Fast Field Echo
T2-FFE - T2 Fast Field Echo
TE - Echo Time
TFE / Turbo-FE - Turbo Field Echo
TGSE - Turbo Gradient Spin Echo
TI - Inversion Time
TIR - True Inversion Recovery
TOF-MRA - Time Of Flight Magnetic Resonance Angiography
TR - Repetition Time for pulse
TR - Temporal Resolution
TRICKS - Time Resolved Imaging of Contrast KineticS
TRUE-FISP - True Fast Imaging Steady state Precession
TSE / Turbo-SE - Turbo Spin Echo
T-SHORT / Turbo-Short - Turbo Short Repetition Technique
UFGE - Ultra Fast Gradient Echo
UFSE - Ultra Fast Spin Echo
USPIO - Ultra Super Paramagnetic Iron Oxide
VEC - Velocity EnCoded Imaging
VENC - Vector ENCoding
VIBE - Volume Interpolated Breath-Hold Exam
VIGE - Volume Interpolated Gradient Echo
VRT - Volume Rendered 3D Image

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