Tuesday 28 June 2011

Ph.D. fellowship in probiotic attributes of yeast - Denmark

The Health & Nutrition Division of Chr. Hansen in Hørsholm wishes to appoint a Ph.D. fellow to a project involving in-depth evaluation and characterization of yeast strains for properties consistent with functional probiotic attributes and product development, with a focus on non-Saccharomyces yeast strains. The project is part of a larger consortium called Cornucopia, which is an EU Marie Curie initial training network entitled “Yeast biodiversity as a source of innovations in food and health”. Identification of desired probiotic traits will be guided by strain characterization involving assays for measuring adherence properties, yeast gene expression, cell culture gene expression, and/or detection of proteins or metabolites.

Click below for details:
Ph.D. fellowship in probiotic attributes of yeast

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