Tuesday 28 June 2011

PhD Position for behavioural and molecular studies regarding cognitive aspects of the brain

University : Uppsala University, Sweden
Department : Organism Biology
Employment will start 2011-09-01 or according to agreement.

Project description and qualifications:
Uppsala university is looking for a student with a master degree or equivalent in molecular biology, biology, medicine or similar. Experience in neurobiology, molecular biology, mouse or zebrafish genetics and behavioural analysis are specially qualifying for the position. Knowledge in bioinformatics, embryology and epigenetics are also desirable. The research group concentrates on questions related to molecular and cellular aspects of brain cognition, with focus on neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases. Teaching and administrative work at the department can be included as part of employment (max 20%).

The application must contain:
1) CV
2) Study documents; reference letters and other material that can be relevant are welcomed.

Local rules apply for salaries.
Information: more information can be obtained from Lina Emilsson, ph. +4618-471 2678 e-mail: lina.emilsson@ebc.uu.se.

Welcome to submit your application not later than the 1st August, 2011, UFV-PA 2011/1888. 

Click here to apply

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