Monday 20 June 2011

PhD Scholarship - Sir Paul Callaghan Magnetic Resonance Scholarship

The 2010 Prime Minister’s Science Prize was awarded to the Magnetic Resonance Innovation team led by Professor Sir Paul Callaghan. The team includes four of his former PhD students, Dr Andrew Coy, Dr Robin Dykstra, Dr Craig Eccles and Dr Mark Hunter, who have gone on to become internationally respected in their fields. The team members come from both the science and engineering disciplines.

Research from the Magnetic Resonance Innovation Team has been used in medical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and in climate change research in Antarctica, and has led to the formation of the high tech New Zealand based company Magritek Ltd. The team is looking to continue the development of Magnetic Resonance methods and technologies and to apply its research in agriculture and industry.

Purpose of award

A PhD scholarship fund has been established at Victoria University of Wellington funded by the Prime Minister's Science Prize and Victoria University to support PhD research in the field of Magnetic Resonance Physics or Engineering.

Selection criteria
Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates to undertake PhD research which falls within the above research field. Candidates should indicate in their Statement of Research Interests how their intended research relates to magnetic resonance. The successful applicant would ideally have a first class honours or Masters degree in Physics or Electronic Engineering to be accepted into the PhD programme at Victoria University of Wellington.

Number of awards offered

One at any one time

$26,000 plus tuition fees annually

Tenure of award
Up to three years

Closing dates for applications
Friday 01 July 2011

How do students apply?
1. Applicants must complete the Victoria University PhD Admission form available from: Applicants must provide all the documents requested on the PhD Admission and Scholarship form and also provide a CV.
2. Applicants must clearly indicate on the front of this form and on page three - Magnetic Resonance Scholarship.
3. All application materials must be forwarded to the address outlined on the admission form. If all requested application documentation is not received the application will not be forwarded to the selection panels.
3. Applicants for PhD admission are not asked to provide a fully developed research proposal but a “statement of research interests”. However, applicants for this scholarship should also outline their interests in, and knowledge of, the project topic as outlined above.

Decision makers
The selection panel will include Professor Sir Paul Callaghan and Dr Robin Dykstra. The recipent will be approved by the Victoria University Research Scholarships Committee.

How and when do students learn of the decision?
As soon as possible after the panel sits and admission to the University approved.

What conditions are attached to acceptance of this award?
The successful candidate will be required to adhere to the Victoria PhD Scholarship Regulations and to sign a Victoria University Postgraduate Scholarship contract.

Additional information
The scholarship will be funded from interest on the endowed funds. Should this not be sufficient to fund the scholarship Victoria University will provide sufficient funds to ensure the current scholarship is funded. This arrangement will be revisited from time to time but will not affect any scholar currently funded.

Dr Robin Dykstra
School of Engineering and Computer Science
Phone: 04 463 7508

Professor Sir Paul Callaghan
School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, Science
Phone: 04 463 5945

Application process contact:
Manager PhD Admission and Scholarships
Phone: 04 463 7493

For guidelines, application forms and more information about this award contact:

The Scholarships Office
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600
New Zealand

Phone: (04) 463 5113 or (04)463 5557

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