Monday 20 June 2011

PhD Studentship in Healthcare Engineering, UK

A PhD studentship is immediately available for a highly motivated student in Healthcare Engineering at the Digital Lifecycle Management Lab, International Digital Laboratory, and University of Warwick, UK.

This is a unique opportunity to participate in a major healthcare improvement project between the University of Warwick, General Electric Healthcare, and University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire, one of the largest hospitals in the United Kingdom. The aim of the project is to model complex health care data and services effectively and efficiently. The methods developed are expected to be applicable in health care simulation domain for process improvements to inform Hospitals of the Future. The candidate is expected to work with multidisciplinary teams of researchers developing contextualised simulation for complex health care settings. Good knowledge and experience of one or more of the following subjects is essential: computer programming, process improvements, operations research, mathematical modelling, and business process design.

Good computing skills, ideally in Java, C++, MATLAB and Visual Basic is a must.
Knowledge of various types of simulation modelling software such as ARENA, AnyLogic,
and WITNESS is especially beneficial.

Candidates must have a degree in one of these fields: computer science, computer
engineering, or industrial engineering. Candidates must be self-motivated, possess excellent communication skills, an ability to work in teams and adhere to all project deadlines. The candidate is expected to develop analytical and computational skills and submit results of work for publications in academic literature. An original contribution to knowledge in the field is expected. The PhD studentship is available immediately. Interested candidates should send a copy of their CV and cover letter to Professor Darek Ceglarek ( or Dr. Sudi Lahiri (

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