Monday 4 July 2011

PhD position Biophysics of microparticle-cell binding dynamics and cell activation

Group : Molecular Biosensors for Medical Diagnostics
Department : Applied Physics
University: Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) - Netherlands

Project :
In this project, the doctoral researcher will investigate cell-surface interactions by measuring the dynamics of binding between small microparticles and living cells and by measuring the subsequent cellular response. The microparticles will be coated with supramolecular polymers with incorporated polypeptides to address specifically triggered cell activation processes. He/She will use and develop advanced optical micromanipulation techniques such as single-beam and holographic optical tweezers to induce particle-cell binding. In combination with live-cell microscopy, he/shewill measure the binding dynamics and the subsequent cellular response.

Salary : 28,498 € in the first year and 36,453 € in final year

Click below to apply:
PhD position Biophysics of microparticle-cell binding dynamics at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) - Netherlands

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