Sunday 6 September 2009

Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) - Portugal

The Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) is the largest and most reputed school of Engineering, Science and Technology and Architecture in Portugal. Since its creation in 1911, IST’s mission is to provide top quality higher education, as well as to develop Research, Development and Innovation activities according to the highest international standards.


1.) Applied Life Sciences

Centre for Biological and Chemical Engineering (CEBQ)
Centre for Mathematics and its Applications (CEMAT)
Centre for Molecular Physical Chemistry (CQFM)
Centre for Structural Chemistry (CQE)
Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (IBB)
Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering- Research and Development Lisbon (INESC-ID)
Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR)

2.) Basic Sciences

Centre for Functional Analysis and Applications (CEAF)
Centre for Mathematical Analysis, Geometry, and Dynamical Systems (CAMGSD)
Centre for Mathematics and its Applications (CEMAT)
Centre for Petrology and Geochemistry (CEPGIST)
Centre for Physics of Fundamental Interactions (CFIF)
Centre for Space and Aeronautical Sciences and Technologies (CCTAE)
Centre for Structural Chemistry (CQE)
Centre for Molecular Physical Chemistry (CQFM)
Centre for Theoretical Particle Physics (CFTP)
Institute of Materials and Surfaces Science and Engineerings (ICEMS)
Institute for Plasma Research and Nuclear Fusion (IPFN)
Institute for Telecommunications (IT)
Multidisciplinary Centre for Astrophysics (CENTRA)

3.) Energy, Environment and Mobility

Centre for Biological and Chemical Engineering (CEBQ)
Centre for Chemical Processes (CPQ)
Centre for Environment and Sea Technologies (MARETEC)
Centre for Hydrosystems Research (CEHIDRO)
Centre for Innovation in Electrical and Energy Engineering (CIEEE)
Centre for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research (IN+)
Centre for Geo-Systems (CVRM)
Centre for Marine Technology and Engineering (CENTEC)
Centre for Natural Resources and Environment (CERENA)
Centre for Petrology and Geochemistry (CEPGIST)
Centre for Signal Analysis and Processing (CAPS)
Centre for Space and Aeronautical Sciences and Technologies (CCTAE)
Centre for Structural Chemistry (CQE)
Centre for Theoretical Particle Physics (CFTP)
Centre for Urban and Regional Systems (CESUR)
Institute for Plasma Research and Nuclear Fusion (IPFN)
Institute of Mechanical Engineering (IDMEC)
Institute for Structures Engineering, Territory and Construction (ICIST)

4.) Information and Communication Technologies

Centre for Mathematics and its Applications (CEMAT)
Centre for Signal Analysis and Processing (CAPS)
Centre for Theoretical Particle Physics (CFTP)
Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering- Research and Development (INESC-ID)
Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR)
Institute for Telecommunications (IT)

5.) Materials, Microtechnology and Nanoscience

Centre for Biological and Chemical Engineering (CEBQ)
Centre for Molecular Physical Chemistry (CQFM)
Centre for Structural Chemistry (CQE)
Institute of Materials and Surfaces Science and Engineering (ICEMS)
Institute for Plasma Research and Nuclear Fusion (IPFN)

6.) Production Engineering and Technologies

Centre for Chemical Processes (CPQ)
Centre for Environment and Sea Technologies (MARETEC)
Centre for Innovation in Electrical and Energy Engineering (CIEEE)
Centre for Marine Technology and Engineering (CENTEC)
Centre for Space and Aeronautical Sciences and Technologies (CCTAE)
Institute of Materials and Surfaces Science and Engineering (ICEMS)
Institute of Mechanical Engineering (IDMEC)

7.) Technology Management and Entrepreneurship

Centre for Management Studies of IST (CEG-IST)
Centre for Geo-Systems (CVRM)
Centre for Hydrosystems Research (CEHIDRO)
Centre for Innovation in Electrical and Energy Engineering (CIEEE)
Centre for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research (IN+)
Centre for Marine Technology and Engineering (CENTEC)
Centre for Urban and Regional Systems (CESUR)
Institute for Structures Engineering, Territory and Construction (ICIST)


Click here to see the bachelor programs.

Click here to see the masters programs.

Click here to see the doctorate programs.


Alameda Campus
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1
1049-001 Lisboa
Tel: (+351) 218 417 000
Fax: (+351) 218 499 242

Taguspark Campus
Av. Prof. Dr. Aníbal Cavaco Silva
2744-016 Porto Salvo
Tel: (+351) 214 233 200
Fax: (+351) 214 233 268

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