The Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) - Portugal and the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)- Switzerland have established a Joint Doctoral Initiative. The PhD program, comprises a curricular component as well as a strong research activity.
During the duration of the PhD program, students will spend about 50% of their time at IST and 50% of their time at EPFL and be advised by faculty members from both institutions.
The Joint Doctoral Initiative is oriented towards seven Focus Areas. The choice of areas is, in many cases, grounded on existing or long standing collaborations and correspond to areas where both EPFL and IST have strong competences and want to work together to build synergies and take advantages of their research and complementarities.
The Focus Areas in the Initiative are the following:
Biological and Medical Imaging
Distributed and Cognitive Robotics
Computational and Stochastic Mathematics
Antennas and EM devices for Wireless Applications
Environmental Hydraulics
Plasma Physics
Click here to download the details of the joint program.
A selection committee consisting of faculty members both from EPFL and IST is responsible for ranking the candidates applying to the Initiative. Candidates must be accepted as PhD candidates both by EPFL and IST. Outstanding candidates will be awarded grants provided by FCT.
The application process is online and requires the following documents in additional to personal and academic information:
Diplomas or study certificates
CV (good knowledge of English is mandatory)
Statement of purpose (indicate interests and motivation, indication of chosen focus area)
Minimum of three references.
July 15th to September 15th : Applications
October 30 Notification to applicants
November 30 Submission of additional docs for contract preparation
Feb 1st 2010 Contracts start date
Click here to access the online application form.
For any queries,mail your doubts to ist-epfl@ist.utl.pt

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