Friday 4 September 2009

Victoria University of Wellington - PhD Scholarship (New Zealand)

For the purpose of encouraging postgraduate research Victoria offers PhD scholarships to those about to commence their doctoral studies. These scholarships are awarded on academic merit and are open to New Zealand and international students in any discipline. The Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic Research Scholarships are Victoria PhD scholarships targeted at specific research topics that highlight the research strengths and priorities of the University in a particular year.

The scholarship consists of a $21,000 per annum stipend plus domestic tuition fees. Scholarships will be awarded in two selection rounds. Mid-year Victoria PhD scholarships across all disciplines and Vice Chancellor’s Strategic Research Scholarships will be offered; in November there will be a further round of general Victoria PhD Scholarships across all disciplines.

Applicants who do not clearly meet the above academic criteria may be considered under any of the following categories for a Victoria Doctoral Assistantship.

i.)The applicant has significant work experience or significant peer esteem in the research field to which they are applying.
ii.)The applicant has a recognised record of publications.
iii.)The applicant’s proposed research would contribute significantly to the School, Institute or Centre’s Research Plan.
iv.)The involvement of the applicant in the School’s programme of research would assist in building a ‘critical mass’ of research and/or involve collaboration between institutions.
v.)The strategic direction of the proposed research could invlove joint initiatives with the business community to develop future commercialisation of the research.

The Victoria Doctoral Assistantship consists of a $15,000 per annum stipend for three years plus domestic tuition fees and an offer of employment as a tutor or research assistant in the School, Institute or Centre for the term of the scholarship. The employment component of the Victoria Doctoral Assistantship is worth $5,000 per annum.

Applications must be made on the forms obtainable from the Scholarships Office or on the Scholarships Website: Scholarship applicants must contact directly the School in which they wish to enrol so that their research proposal and the feasibility of supervision can be assessed. Enrolment for a PhD and applying for a PhD scholarship are two separate processes. The holding of Victoria PhD Scholarship is conditional upon the scholarship recipient gaining provisional enrolment as a PhD student.

Applicants, other than those who have completed all of their study at Victoria, must include a certified copy of their academic record from other institutions with this application. Applicants whose degree has been conferred at any university other than a New Zealand University will be considered in two categories:

Category 1 - applicants from the UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, Germany or Australia must supply an original or certified copy of their university transcript.

Category 2 - applicants from any other country must have their transcript verified and assessed with a course by course evaluation of the prerequisite degree by the below educational evaluators:

Educational Credential Evaluators -

All applicants for the midyear rounds of Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic Research Scholarships and general Victoria PhD Scholarships will be notified of selection within one calendar month of the closing date. First offers of Victoria PhD November round Scholarships will be made in mid to late December of the year of application. Please note if your application is unsuccessful this will be by email only. Some applicants may be placed on a reserve list and will not be finally notified of the success or otherwise of their applications within two months of first notification.

Applications for the Victoria PhD Scholarships close on 15 June and 1 November 2009. Closing dates from 2010 forward will be 1 March, 1 July and 1 December. Applications for the Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic Research Scholarships may have a different closing date. It is essential to check the website to be sure of the correct closing date.

Applications should be made to:
Scholarships Office, Office of Research and Postgraduate Study
10 Kelburn Parade
Victoria University of Wellington
P.O. Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand

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