Saturday 14 August 2010

Phd & PostDoc positions in Medical Engineering - Singapore

Project Topics :

1.) Statistical modelling for brain imaging modalities
2.) Non parametric & graphical modeling for analyzing electrophysiology data
3.) Epileptic seizure modeling
4.) Neural implant for suppression of seizures
5.) Brain disorders diagnosis using EEG & other brain signals
6.) Brain signals compression for Brain Computer interfaces & epilepsy patients monitoring
7.) Bayesian multiscale modeling of cell physiology
8.) Stochastic modeling and control engineering in the context of tissue generation.

Collobration of Institutes :
1.) RIKEN Brain Science Institute, MIT and MGH, Harvard University
2.) Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research & Technology (SMART)
3.) Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

How to Apply:

Send your CV, motivational letter, 3 references & publications list to :

Prof. Justin Dauwels
Nanyang Technological University
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Further Details :
1.) Research Scholarships in NTU,Singapore
2.) Living Guide in Singapore

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