Monday 20 June 2011

Bio-Sciences Phd - Exeter University ,UK

PhD Title : "Free-Radicals Measurements in Oxidative Stress, Post-Translational Modifications and Aging"

A PhD position is available with Dr Andrew Shaw in Biosciences, College of Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Exeter (Streatham Campus, Exeter) to commence October 2011. The studentship will cover UK/EU tuition fees for three years and a stipend of £13,590pa.

This PhD project is fully funded by the EPSRC as part of the Centre for Graphene Science in the University of Exeter. The project will look at the measurement of free radicals in biological environments and the subsequent modifications of proteins in the processes of aging. New measurement techniques based on the unique electrical properties of graphene will allow very small numbers of electrons, perhaps single electrons, to be sensed. Initial target radicals will be OH, NO and superoxide produced as photo-radicals. The performance of the graphene sensors will be compared against measurements using localised particle plasmon, electron spin resonance and fluorescence redox spectroscopy. The graphene sensors will be functionalised with a number of redox chromophores which will convert the graphene electron transfer sensitivity to a colour change. The radical modification of proteins will be measured using immune-assays in real clinical samples using existing collaboration with the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry to address medical problems of aging, redox stress and post-translational modification in human disease states.

The successful PhD student will join the group of Dr Andrew Shaw which will provide full support with the diverse intellectual skills in the projects from physical chemistry to molecular immunology. The student will be expected to attend one international conference, participate in regular Centre meetings and develop existing collaborations with the Graphene Centre in the National University of Singapore. Students with a First or Upper Second Class degree in biophysics, chemistry, biochemistry or related subjects are welcome to apply.

The PhD is fully funded but only UK or EU citizens are eligible.

In order to apply you will need to complete an online web form where you must submit some personal details and upload the following documents (preferred format for uploaded files is .pdf and preferred filename should start with your last name):
• CV
• Covering letter (outlining your academic interests, prior research experience and reasons for wishing to undertake this project).
• Transcript (this should be an interim transcript if you are still studying)
If you have any general enquiries about the application process please email or phone +44 (0)1392 725150/723706/723310.

We welcome informal enquiries from prospective applicants; please contact Dr Andrew Shaw, Biosciences, University of Exeter:, +44 (0)1392 263495.

The closing date for applications is midnight Thursday 28 July 2011

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