Monday 20 June 2011

PDEng Trainee Designer in Bioprocess Engineering - Netherlands

Job description

In the Designer in Bioprocess Engineering programme, you develop yourself into a visionary team-player with a state-of-the-art background in biosciences and chemical engineering, prepared for innovative bioprocess design. You gain business knowledge, e.g., economical evaluation and project management, to evaluate the implementation of developed processes in an industrial environment. Throughout the programme, you are trained to develop and apply an independent attitude, a critical approach, creativity and a focus on innovative application in the interdisciplinary field of Biochemical Engineering. The biotech industries in the Netherlands and abroad value graduated Designers in Bioprocess Engineering and offer them a range of careers in all facets of bioprocess development.

In the first year, PDEng-trainees take mandatory courses and a personal selection from advanced courses in fermentation technology, microbiology, downstream processing, environmental biotechnology, or biocatalysis, along with economic evaluation and project management courses. A group design project will be carried out. The second year consists of an individual design project carried out in, or in close collaboration with, industry.

For more information, see: or


Applicants should have a Master degree in (Bio) Chemical Engineering, Food or Environmental Technology, Biotechnology, or a related discipline. Candidates need to be interested in pursuing a career in industry. We are especially looking for trainees with an open, creative mind and a critical attitude: trainees with ambition in innovative design. A good command of the English language (written and spoken) is essential, and a good command of the Dutch language is desired. Trainees will be recruited from the top 10% of the student population.

Conditions of employment

TU Delft offers an attractive benefits package, including a flexible work week, a free ADSL connection at home, and the opportunity to assemble a customized compensation and benefits package (the 'IKA'). Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities. (maximum € 1681 )

For more information about this position or to apply, please contact Yvonne van Gameren, phone: +31 (0)15-2789857, e-mail: To apply, please send a detailed CV along with a letter of application. When applying for this position, make sure to mention vacancy number TNWBT07-070. 
Dead line : 30 th August 2011

Contract type

Initially a 1-year contract, with a possible 1-year extension (2 years total).

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