Monday 20 June 2011

PhD Radiology - Netherlands

Job description

Chest radiography is the most common radiological exam worldwide. We are developing and evaluating algorithms for automatic analysis of chest radiographs. This project focuses on the topics:
  • Computer-aided detection (CAD) of tuberculosis (TB), one of the most deadly diseases worldwide
  • Integration of content-based image retrieval in our TB detection system
  • Evaluating the performance of CAD systems for chest radiography by measuring stand-alone performance and designing and setting up observer studies
  • These studies will be aimed at CAD for TB but also at other CAD algorithms for chest radiography


You should be a creative and enthusiastic researcher with an MSc degree in Computer Science, Physics, Engineering or Biomedical Sciences or similar, with a clear interest to develop image analysis algorithms and an affinity with medical topics. Good communication skills and expertise in software development, preferably in C++, are essential.

Conditions of employment

  • Temporary 4 years
  • 36 hrs per week
  • Salary level  10A: maximal € 2673 gross per month
  • You will be appointed as a PhD student with the standard salary and secondary conditions for PhD students in the Netherlands. Your performance will be evaluated after 1 year. If the evaluation is positive, the contract will be extended by 3 years. The research should result in a PhD thesis.


Nijmegen UMC St Radboud


Dr. B. van Ginneken, associate professor,, +31 24 3619811

Deadline : 1st July 2011

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