Monday 20 June 2011

Phd in Cellular Biophysics, EPFL - Switzerland

The Laboratory of Cell Biophysics of the School of Basic Sciences of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne seeks a Doctoral Student in Cellular Biophysics
The applicants should have a master degree in Physics, Biophysics or Engineering, to take part in a major existing research program in force measurements on biological cells.

To spread and migrate on a substrate, a cell needs to create contacts and to exert forces on it. The cell cytoskeleton is made of contractile fibers that generate forces. Adhesive plaques that are formed at the end of contractile fibers, act as a mechanical link between the cytoskeleton and the substrate. Cells also sense external mechanical clues. This force sensing seems to be done by these adhesive plaques that collect external information and adapt the force generated by the cytoskeleton. In other words, the couple cytoskeleton – adhesive plaques forms a strong force generation and force sensing complex where in-out and out-in signaling regulate the generation of the cell force.

The project contains both experimental and theoretical approaches. It includes the development of a force sensor and the realization of the experimental set up. Experiments at the scope of micrometer and nanonewton, image analysis and computational modeling would be managed by the candidate to understand the fundamental biophysical mechanisms linked to forces exerted by cells.

Scientists having a strong personal motivation to do a Ph.D. are invited to send their curriculum vitae, with contact information for up to 2 references, to Prof. J.-J. Meister, at EPFL SB IPSB LCB, SG-AAB146 (Bât. SG-AAB), Station 15, CH-1015 Lausanne.

For more information, please visit the Web site of the Laboratory :

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