Tuesday 28 June 2011

Researcher job in Applied Genoproteomics (Belgium)

The Unit of Animal Genomics (GIGA-Research, University of Liège, Belgium) has an opening for a research position to investigate genetic defects in pig populations.

The main qualifications are relevant experience and keen interest in genetic and statistical analysis methods as well as in database development. The educational status of the candidate can either be at the pre- or postdoctoral level.

The main responsibilities include:

• Development and adaptation of a user-friendly software package for genome- wide association studies in pig populations. The software package is expected to take into consideration various factors such as quality control of genotype data, population stratification, familial sub-structure, multilocus versus single locus analysis and the possibility to study binary as well as continuously distributed phenotypes.

• Development of a database which will host genotype data.

• Presentations to inform consortium partners about optimized data analysis procedures.

• Provide regular support for data analysis activities of consortium partners.

Funding for a full-time position is available for a duration of 12 months.

Applications should be addressed to:
Prof Michel Georges
Unit of Animal Genomics
GIGA-Research and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
University of Liège

Please email application documents to the following addresses:
michel.georges@ulg.ac.be and marilou.ramospamplona@ulg.ac.be.
Deadline for submission: 24 July 2011

Contact Address :

Interdisciplinary Cluster of Applied Genoproteomics
GIGA – B34, Avenue de l'Hôpital 1, B-4000 Liège
Tel +32 4 366 Fax +32 4 366 41 98
Adresse mail – www.giga.ulg.ac.be

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