Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India

Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALIMCO) is a non-profit making organization, working under the aegis of Govt. of India, under the ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment. It was incorporated in 1972 to take up manufacture and supply of artificial limb components and rehabilitation aids for the benefit of the physically handicapped and started production in 1976.


The main objectives of the Corporation are -

i.) To promote, encourage and develop the availability, use, supply and distribution, at reasonable cost in the country, of artificial limbs & accessories and constituents thereof, to needy persons particularly disabled defense personnel, hospitals and such other welfare institutions.

ii.)To establish facilities for manufacturing of artificial limbs & accessories and constituents thereof needed by the disabled persons in the prefabricated modular form and all other things which can be or may conveniently be used for the manufacture of or in connection with such articles, things as aforesaid.

iii.)To carry on the business of manufacturers, sellers, importers, exporters, dealers in and of artificial limbs & accessories and constituents thereof and all other things which can be or may conveniently be used for the manufacture of or in connection with such articles, things as aforesaid.

Product Range:

The Corporation produces 355 different types of quality aids and appliances required by orthopaedically, visually & hearing handicapped persons. ALIMCO has been in the forefront in providing innovative and appropriate solutions to the problems facing the disabled.

The product range includes Orthotic and Prosthetic appliances for Upper & Lower Extremities, Spinal Braces, Cervical Collars, Traction Kits, Rehabilitation Aids like Wheel Chairs, Crutches and Tri Wheelers etc. The Corporation also provides special tools and equipments required for fitment of Orthotic & Prosthetic assemblies by the Limb Fitting Centres.

For visually handicapped, the corporation produces Braille Slate, Folding Cane and Braille Shorthand Machine.

For Orthopaedically Handicapped

The rehabilitation Aids are Lower limb orthotic (Calipers), Lower limb prosthetic (Artificial legs), Upper limb prosthetic (Artificial hands),Spinal orthotic (Braces for neck & back), Prosthetic supplies (stockinettes, socks and surgical boots)

Mobility aids are Wheel Chairs, Tricycles, Axilla & Elbow crutches,
Walking Stick.

For Visually Handicapped , the rehabilitation aids are Braille short hand machine, Braille slate, Walking cane & stick.

For Hearing Impaired,the rehabilitation aids are Pocket type Hearing Aids.

Research & Development: The Corporation is equipped with sophisticated machines and is backed by its own Research & Development. The design of products is constantly updated to maintain optimum efficiency level and to ensure high level of customer satisfaction. The products are manufactured under rigorous quality control so as to conform to international quality standard.

Achievements: Within the country, the Corporation is the premier agency supplying appliances for orthopaedically handicapped. It has helped establish 170 Limb Fitting Centres in various parts of the country to ensure proper fitting of aids and appliances. These Limb Fitting Centres provide necessary facilities for fitment of Orthotic and Prosthetic aids to the disabled people.

The Corporation also conducts camps in association with various voluntary agencies for fitting and distribution of aids and appliances in rural and semi urban areas of the country.

Market Network & Exports: The Corporation markets its products within the country through its offices at Delhi, Calcutta, Bhubneshwar, Chennai, Mumbai and with the help of an extensive distributor/dealer network to ensure availability near the important Limb Fitting Centres and customers.

The major buyers of ALIMCO products can be categorized as :National Institute Dealer Network, NGO Network, State Government.

The Corporation has also exported its products to Afganistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, UAE, Jordan, Iraq, Angola, Combodia, Uzbekistan etc. and the same have been well accepted in all these countries. UN agencies like UNICEF & WHO have also approved its products and are using these products for their programmes in certain countries.

Future Plans: The Corporation has ambitious future plans for -

i.)Upgradation of present facilities with State-of-the Art technology.

ii.)Expansion of existing manufacturing base through setting up of additional production centres.

iii.)Widening of present product range.

iv.)Training and Research & Development through international collaboration.

Head Office :

Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India
G T Road
Kanpur - 208016
Ph.: 91-512-2770137, 2770173, 2770817, 2770818, 2770873
Fax: 91-512-2770617
Web :

Regional Marketing Centres & Disability Rehabilitation Center

New Delhi
C/o Social Justice Service Centre
Mahila Imdad Committee, Chamford Road
Opposite New Delhi Railway Station, Paharganj
New Delhi-55
Ph. : 91-11-23580877
Fax : 91-11-23580831

C/o Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped (NIHH)
Kishanchand Marg, Opp. Tel. Exchange
Bandra Reclamation, Bandra
Ph. : 91-22-26410495

C/o National Institute of Orthopaedically Handicapped (NIOH)
B T Road, Bon-Hooghly
Ph. & Fax : 91-33-25317838

14/43, Industrial Suburb
Bangalore Tumkur Road
Ph. : 91-80-3577070

Plot No. S-3/66, Mancheshwar Industrial Estate (Behind Bharat Motors, MIE)
Ph. : 91-674-2587670, 2500210
Fax : 91-674-2587018

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