IEEE EMBS members come from everywhere and every walk of life. They work in industry, academic institutions, hospitals, and government agencies. They design the electrical circuits that make a pacemaker run...create the software that reads an MRI and help develop the wireless technologies that allow patients and doctors to communicate over long distances. They're interested in bioinformatics, biotechnology, clinical engineering, information technology, instrumentation and measurement, micro and nanotechnology, radiology, and robots. They are researchers and educators, technicians and clinicians; they are the link between science and life science and they help the modern world work.
From formalized mathematical theory through experimental science, from technological development to practical clinical applications, IEEE EMBS members support scientific, technological, and educational activities as they apply to the concepts and methods of the physical and engineering sciences in biology and medicine. By working together, we can transform and revolutionize future medicine and healthcare.
EMBS Members by Employment:
1.)52 percent work in academic institutions — and 15 percent of those members are in medical curricula
2.)46 percent work in industry — and 12 percent work specifically in the medical industry
3.)2 percent work in government
EMBS Members by Degree Program:
87 percent our members hold engineering degrees, with specialties in the following areas:
Biomedical engineering (16 percent)
Chemical (3 percent)
Communications (3 percent)
Computer Science (7 percent)
Informatics/Info Science (1 percent)
Industrial (18 percent)
Electrical/Electronic/Computer Engineering (34 percent)
Mechanical (2 percent)
EMBS Areas of Technical Interest:
Diagnostic Systems
Conventional systems
Point-of-care diagnostics
Imaging and other tests
Therapeutic Systems
Neuromuscular devices
Cardiovascular devices
Cancer treatment
Drug delivery
Artificial tissues and organs
Healthcare and Bioinformation Systems
Genomics, proteomics, and physiome
Tools in drug discoveries
Technologies & Methodologies
Biosignal processing
Biomedical imaging
Medical instrumentation and sensors
MEMS and nanotechnology
Neural engineering
Rehabilitation engineering
Biosystems modeling
Computational bioengineering and bioinformatics
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
i.)advances the application of engineering sciences and technology to medicine and biology
ii.)promotes the profession
iii.)provides global leadership for the benefit of its members and humanity by disseminating knowledge, setting standards, fostering professional development, and recognizing excellence.
Membership in EMBS provides regular communication and direct technical interchange with the foremost international practitioners of Biomedical Engineering through its premier publications and its international, regional and chapter meetings.
EMBS Members, Student Members and Affiliates receive:
1.)A subscription to IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Magazine.
2.)Reduced rates on subscriptions to the EMBS publications, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (monthly) and IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (quarterly), as well as the IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, and IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
3.)Significant discounts on registration rates for the Annual International EMBS Conference and on purchases of EMBS Conference Proceedings (available from the EMBS Secretariat on CD-ROM)
IEEE EMBS members also receive:
1.)Subscriptions to the monthly magazine Spectrum and to The Institute, a monthly news supplement
2.)Online access to IEEE Potentials
3.)Online access to tables of contents and expanded abstracts from more than 1 million IEEE documents — including full-text search capabilities of the entire IEEE archive
4.)Significant savings on insurance, financial, business and travel services through the IEEE Financial Advantage Program. You must be an IEEE EMBS member in good standing to participate in this program. Not open to EMBS members or affiliates.
To get a membership in IEEE EMBS,Click here.
For further details , contact
EMBS Executive Office's email address emb-exec@ieee.org.
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