Date : September 7 To 12 th 2009
Place: Munich ,Germany
Deadline for paper submission : April 15th,2009
i.) Click here for list of Plenary Speakers
ii.) Click here for list of Keynote Speakers
iii.)Click here for list of Medical Keynote Speakers
iv.) Click here for list of Speakers at the Opening Ceremony
The congress’s unique structure represents the two dimensions of technology and medicine:
13 themes on science and medical technologies intersect with five challenging main topics of medicine to create a maximum of synergy and integration of aspects on research, development and application. Each of the congress themes will be chaired by two leading experts.

The themes will be divided into more than 100 tracks that will address specific topics of medicine and technology that provide multiple and excellent opportunities for exchanges.
Click here for a complete list of Themes Tracks Focus Sessions.
Scientific Focus
The scientific focus of the congress will cover major aspects of key technologies like nano- and micro-systems, tissue engineering, information and communication technologies, optics and biotechnology as well as major areas of medical application such as radiation oncology and protection, diagnostic imaging, instrumentation and surgery. The congress will provide a comprehensive overview of recent developments, scientific findings and future innovations.
Medical Focus
The focus of the WC2009 will be on key topics of medicine and healthcare where medical technologies show great potential for making major contributions to improving diagnostic and therapeutic success.
1st Day: Oncology
Which improvements of diagnostic tools and therapeutic regimes offer promising perspectives – with respect to early detection and therapy – for patients with oncological diseases?
2nd Day: Radiology & nuclear medicine
How will current and future advanced technologies contribute to the success of diagnostics and therapies in radiology and nuclear medicine?
3rd Day: Surgery & intervention:
How could new materials and technologies for minimal invasive interventions revolutionize future therapies in surgery, implantation or intervention?
4th Day: Neurology, neurosurgery and neurological rehabilitation:
How can new developments in diagnostic and functional imaging, surgery tools, prosthetics, neuroengineering or nano- and microsystems open up new options for the diagnosis and therapy of neurological diseases?
5th Day: Cardiology & cardiovascular diseases:
Interventional cardiology has had a major impact on the quality and results of the diagnosis and therapy of cardiovascular diseases, and has significantly lowered death rates. What’s new on the horizon with respect to new materials and technologies
All papers must be original work. Presenting authors of accepted papers will be required to register for the conference in order to secure that their paper is included in the conference proceedings. All papers will be peer reviewed by the Scientific Committee, which reserves the right to accept or reject abstracts for inclusion in the conference program. Each Corresponding Author (the author that submits the paper, will attend the congress to present the paper and is responsible for communicating with the Congress Organizers and the paper’s co-authors) is limited to two submissions for the congress.
Extended Deadline for paper submissio: April 15, 2009
(full paper of 2-4 pages, to be included in the proceedings)
Click here to get more details for submitting your original papers.
Click here to find details about the registration procedures and fees.
Important Dates
April 15: Extended Deadline for paper submission (full paper of 2-4 pages, to be included in the proceedings)
May 25 : Paper Acceptance Notification
June 2: Speakers registration due
June 2: Deadline paper update for the proceedings
July 1: Short program available
July 15: Final program available
July 15: Early registration due
For more details,click here to visit the website of World congress.
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