The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, AIMS, is now in its sixth year of teaching an innovative postgraduate course which prepares students for research and for other careers in which problem-solving is paramount. This is done by involving international experts in relevant key areas.
AIMS is currently developing a Research Centre which is housed very close to its main building in Muizenberg. Multidisciplinary research projects will be pursued. Through these, postgraduate students will be prepared for and channelled to higher education institutions collaborating closely with AIMS.
Researcher in Biomathematics
Contract positions which can run over three years (with the possibility of renewing, provided funding is available) are offered.
* Maintaining a vigorous research programme and coordinating research in similar fields at AIMS and with participating institutions
* Involvement in the teaching programmes at AIMS and participating higher education institutions
* Leading students into research
* Overseeing the preparation of essays by students
* A relevant doctorate of high standing
* Good and developing research record with good international publications
* Ability to teach well and communicate with students as young researchers
Postdoctoral Fellows in Biomathematics
Fellowships for two years with the possibility to renew for a third year.
* Conducting research and assisting senior researchers in leading students into exciting research projects.
* Involvement in general academic programmes
* A relevant doctorate of high standing
* A developing research capability which will lead to good international publications
* Ability to tutor postgraduate students successfully
Commencement of duties: As soon as possible
Commencement of review: Review of applications is ongoing and will continue until all the positions are filled.
Enquiries:Prof Fritz Hahne at 021-7879332 or at fritz(at) or Gudrun Schirge at 021-7879339 or at gudrun(at)
Applications (indicating which position is being applied for) for both categories should consist of
* a comprehensive curriculum vitae stating research plans in the above or related areas
* names and contact details of at least three referees
* a statement on citizenship and whether a South African work permit is currently being held
* other practical information such as earliest date of commencement
Applicants should request their referees to forward confidential reports to the same address.
For more information on AIMS and the AIMS Research Centre see
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