Monday, 23 March 2009

International Graduate Program at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany

The International Graduate Program “Molecular Biology and Medicine of the Lung” (MBML) is the leading educational platform of the University of Giessen Lung Center (UGLC) at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany. For the upcoming winter term, they are now seeking highly qualified and motivated individuals for full-time doctoral studies in the following areas:

O. Eickelberg: Molecular signatures during epithelial-mesenchymal transition in lung disease

A. Ghofrani: Molecular aspects of ischaemia-reperfusion-induced lung injury

A. Ghofrani: Experimental therpautics of pulmonary hypertension

A. Günther: Biomechanical regulation of pulmonary titf-1 expression and it’s impact on alveolar type II cell phenotype

A. Günther: Role of alveolar type II cell apoptosis in the development of pulmonary fibrosis - new therapeutic strategies

J. Hänze: Hypoxia Nox-dependent signalling in vascular remodelling

J. Lohmeyer: Epithelia-macrophage cross-talk in acute lung injury

R.E. Morty: Molecular mechanisms of acute lung injury

K.T. Preissner: Extracellular RNA and inflammation

R.T. Schermuly: Shear stress-induced pulmonary hypertension

R.T. Schermuly: The role of inflammation in pulmonary hypertension

R.T. Schermuly: Development of new animal models for pulmonary hypertension

N. Weissmann: Reverse-remodelling in hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension

M. Wygrecka: Inflammation and acute lung injury

Students enrolled in the programme will receive a monthly stipend, and depending on their qualifications and the projects selected, may be eligible to register for one of the four doctoral degrees offered, including the PhD, the Dr rer. Nat., the Dr. biol. Hum. and the Dr. med.

Candidates must be in posession of a Master’s degree in the life sciences, or a primary degree in human or veterinary medicine, by October . For information on the MBML programme, please consult the MBML program webpage

Applications, consisting of a (i) letter stating your intention to apply, (ii) a current curriculum vitae, (iii) a list of three potential referees, and (iv) your acadmic transcripts, should be compiled into a single PDF file and submitted to by 1 July . Please direct any enquiries to Dr Rory E. Morty (

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