Thursday, 5 March 2009

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Computational Neuroscience in UK

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Computational Neuroscience (Fixed term)

Department of InformaticsSchool of Science and Technology

Ref 495

Salary: £29,704 to £35,469 per annum, depending on qualifications and experienceStart date: 01 May 2009 (flexible by agreement)End date: 30 April 2012 (3 years fixed-term from start date)

A full-time post-doctoral position is available as part of a new multidisciplinary research group within the Department of Informatics, starting 1 May 2009. The research initiative is funded by an EPSRC 'Leadership Award' ,entitled 'Towards a Next-Generation Computational Neuroscience'. You will work with Dr. Anil Seth (Principal Investigator) and other researchers in the group, on building computational models of the complex brain networks underlying consciousness, creating new analysis tools appropriate to high-volume neural data, and developing new theory linking neural dynamics to conscious phenomenology. The work plan includes opportunities to analyze novel experimental data and to test model predictions using functional neuroimaging.

The post has a broad research remit with opportunities to follow your own research interests within the general area of computational neuroscience relevant to consciousness. Emphasis will be given to developing and implementing network and time-series analysis methods to data from computational models and neuroimaging experiments, and/or to the design of models reflecting putative neural mechanisms of consciousness.

Successful candidates must have a PhD or equivalent degree in a quantitative science discipline. Prior postdoctoral experience is preferred, as are candidates with a strong mathematical and computational background, or a strong background in quantitative cognitive neuroscience.
To apply, send a CV with publication list, a brief (1-2 pages), a completed application form to, quoting the job reference number 495. Applicants should arrange for three letters of recommendation and copies of their application documents to be sent by email to Dr. Anil Seth ( It will be helpful if these application documents could be merged into a single .pdf file.

For informal inquiries please contact Dr. Anil Seth, Department of Informatics, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QJ, UK;

Further particulars [pdf ]

Closing date for applications: 7 March 2009

The University of Sussex is committed to equality of opportunity and we encourage diversity in the workplace. The current British and European Law states that we cannot employ a person aged 16 or over who does not have permission to live and work in the UK. You should make yourself aware of how immigration laws apply to your situation before applying for any jobs. (Refer: Home Office website:

Under the new Points Based System (PBS) the University may be able to issue a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS). The decision on whether to issue a CoS would depend on the resident labour market test being met and the likelihood of the preferred candidate being able to attain the required points to qualify under the PBS.

Send to Human Resources Division, Sussex House, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9RH

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